Monday, March 29, 2010

What's it been....2-1/2...3 years? Yeah, i guess it's time for another post. At least i can't be condemned for wasting too much time blogging. I'm motivated abit though, cuz i really enjoy keeping up on other's blogs...especially when there are regular daily updates! Keep up the good work!

Ok, a few random things:

First off... GOOD JOB ZOE!!!!!!!! Terrific success on her first time public piano accompaniment!! It went off without a hitch.

~ related to that -- although i don't add much to the is a great privilege to be able to sing with my family....3 generations (well actually 4, cuz Mere was there too!). How many ppl have the honor of being able to sing to the Lord in harmony with their Dad, Mom, Wife, Daughter, Son-in-law...and Grand-daughter :) I'm blessed to have a godly heritage! A Dad and Mom who still show the way by example and a godly wife and grown children who love the Lord followed by grandchildren who are being brought up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord!

Thirdly, our missionary couple was a huge blessing this weekend! Don and Karen Kilmer. Fun, entertaining (or should i say interesting?)...well i was entertained...and more importantly, spiritually eye-opening and encouraging! There have already been a few posts about their ministry here, but one thing that stood out to me was this: "THE SAFEST PLACE TO BE IS IN GOD'S WILL." So true. How much time and effort do we put into planning our steps to our best advantage and kinda factor God's will into it a secondary thought...or even justify our plans as His will when they are only our own? Living in the highest crime rate in the world (murder, rape, assault, theft), the Kilmers are right at home...comfortable, safe and sound, cuz they're in the center of God's will!

Then, from my devotions this buddy, Chuck Spurgeon had a good reminder for me. Should part of His body....expect to be rocked on the dainty lap of ease when the King....was crowned with thorns? Get your head on straight Steve and consider suffering for what it really is....honor and opportunity.

Peace out.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007